Source code for chicken_dinner.pubgapi.core

"""PUBG API JSON wrapper."""
import datetime
import logging
import time

import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

from chicken_dinner.constants import SHARD_URL
from chicken_dinner.constants import STATUS_URL
from chicken_dinner.constants import TOURNAMENTS_URL
from chicken_dinner.constants import SHARDS
from chicken_dinner.constants import PLAYER_FILTERS
from chicken_dinner.constants import TRANSITION_SEASON

    None,  # placeholder index
UTC = datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(0))

[docs]class PUBGCore(object): """Low level interface to the PUBG JSON API. Provides methods for interfacing directly with the PUBG JSON API. Returns deserialized JSON responses. Info: :param str api_key: your PUBG api key :param str shard: (optional) the shard to use in all requests for this instance :param bool gzip: (optional) compress responses as gzip """ def __init__(self, api_key, shard=None, gzip=True): self.session = requests.Session() self.api_key = api_key if gzip: self.session.headers.update({"Accept-Encoding": "gzip"}) if shard is None or shard in SHARDS: self.shard = shard else: raise ValueError("Invalid shard provided.") # Set some defaults to ensure the first API call is attempted self._rate_limit_remaining = 10 self._rate_limit_reset = 0 @property def api_key(self): """The API key being used.""" return self._api_key @api_key.setter def api_key(self, value): self._api_key = value self.session.headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + value, "Accept": "application/vnd.api+json"} def _check_shard(self, shard): shard = shard or self.shard if shard is None: raise ValueError("A shard must be provided.") elif shard not in SHARDS: raise ValueError("Invalid shard provided.") else: return shard def _get(self, url, params=None, limited=True): if limited: reset_time = self._rate_limit_reset - time.time() if self._rate_limit_remaining == 0 and reset_time > 0: sleep_duration = reset_time + SLEEP_BUFFER logging.warning("Rate limited by PUBGCore. Sleeping for " + str(int(sleep_duration)) + " seconds.") time.sleep(sleep_duration) response = self.session.get(url, params=params) logging.debug(response.headers) try: response.raise_for_status() except RequestException as exc: if response.status_code == 429: reset_time = self._get_rate_limit_delta(response) sleep_duration = int(reset_time) + SLEEP_BUFFER logging.warning("Rate limited by API (429). Sleeping for " + str(int(sleep_duration)) + " seconds.") time.sleep(sleep_duration) else: raise exc # Try again and just raise on failure because something else # must be wrong. Hard failures should be handled by end-user # gracefully. response = self.session.get(url, params=params) response.raise_for_status() if limited: delta = self._get_rate_limit_delta(response) self._rate_limit_reset = time.time() + delta self._rate_limit_remaining = int(response.headers["X-RateLimit-Remaining"]) return response def _get_rate_limit_delta(self, response): server_datetime = response.headers["Date"].split(" ") server_hms = server_datetime[4].split(":") server_time = datetime.datetime( year=int(server_datetime[3]), month=MONTHNAMES.index(server_datetime[2]), day=int(server_datetime[1]), hour=int(server_hms[0]), minute=int(server_hms[1]), second=int(server_hms[2]), tzinfo=UTC, ).timestamp() reset_time = int(response.headers["X-RateLimit-Reset"]) delta = reset_time - server_time return delta
[docs] def leaderboard(self, game_mode, shard=None): """Get a response from the leaderboards endpoint. Description: :param str game_mode: the PUBG game mode to query :param str shard: (optional) the ``shard`` to use if different from the one used on instantiation :return: the json response from ``/{shard}/leaderboards/{game_mode}`` """ shard = self._check_shard(shard) url = SHARD_URL + shard + "/leaderboards/" + game_mode return self._get(url).json()
[docs] def lifetime(self, player_id, shard=None): """Get a response from the lifetime stats endpoint. Description: :param str player_id: the PUBG ``player_id`` (account id) to query :param str shard: (optional) the ``shard`` to use if different from the one used on instantiation :return: the json response from ``/{shard}/players/{player_id}/seasons/lifetime`` """ shard = self._check_shard(shard) url = SHARD_URL + shard + "/players/" + player_id + "/seasons/lifetime" return self._get(url).json()
[docs] def match(self, match_id, shard=None): """Get a response from the match endpoint. Description: Calls here do not apply to the rate limit. :param str match_id: the ``match_id`` to query :param str shard: (optional) the ``shard`` to use if different from the one used on instantiation :return: the json response from ``/{shard}/matches/{match_id}`` """ shard = self._check_shard(shard) url = SHARD_URL + shard + "/matches/" + match_id return self._get(url, limited=False).json()
[docs] def player(self, player_id, shard=None): """Get a response from the player endpoint. Endpoints: :param str player_id: the PUBG ``player_id`` (account id) to query :param str shard: (optional) the ``shard`` to use if different from the one used on instantiation :return: the JSON response from ``/{shard}/players/{player_id}`` """ shard = self._check_shard(shard) url = SHARD_URL + shard + "/players/" + str(player_id) return self._get(url).json()
[docs] def player_season(self, player_id, season_id, shard=None): """Get a response from the player/season endpoint. Endpoints: :param str player_id: the PUBG ``player_id`` (account id) to query :param str season_id: the ``season_id`` to query :param str shard: (optional) the ``shard`` to use if different from the one used on instantiation :return: the JSON response from ``/{shard}/players/{player_id}/seasons/{season_id}`` """ shard = self._check_shard(shard) platform_region = shard.split("-") if platform_region[0] == "pc" and season_id >= TRANSITION_SEASON: if platform_region[-1] == "kakao": shard = "kakao" else: shard = "steam""Using shard " + shard + ".") url = SHARD_URL + shard + "/players/" + str(player_id) url = url + "/seasons/" + str(season_id) return self._get(url).json()
[docs] def players(self, filter_type, filter_value, shard=None): """Get a response from the players endpoint. Description: :param str filter_type: query by either "player_ids" or "player_names" :param list filter_value: a list of strings of the ``player_ids`` or ``player_names`` to search :param str shard: (optional) the ``shard`` to use if different from the one used on instantiation :return: the response from the ``/{shard}/players`` endpoint """ shard = self._check_shard(shard) if filter_type not in PLAYER_FILTERS: raise ValueError("Filter type must be in " + str(PLAYER_FILTERS)) if isinstance(filter_value, list): filter_value = ",".join(filter_value) params = {"filter[" + PLAYER_FILTERS[filter_type] + "]": filter_value} url = SHARD_URL + shard + "/players" return self._get(url, params).json()
[docs] def samples(self, start=None, shard=None): """Get a response from the samples endpoint. Description: :param str start: (optional) the start timestamp from which to get samples :param str shard: (optional) the ``shard`` to use if different from the one used on instantiation :return: the JSON response from the ``/{shard}/samples`` endpoint """ shard = self._check_shard(shard) url = SHARD_URL + shard + "/samples" params = {} if start is not None: params = {"filter[createdAt-start]": start} return self._get(url, params).json()
[docs] def seasons(self, shard=None): """Get a response from the seasons endpoint. Description: :param str shard: (optional) the ``shard`` to use if different from the one used on instantiation :return: the JSON response from the ``/{shard}/seasons`` endpoint. """ shard = self._check_shard(shard) url = SHARD_URL + shard + "/seasons" return self._get(url).json()
[docs] def status(self): """Get a response from the status endpoint. Description: :return: the JSON response from the ``/status`` endpoint. """ return self._get(STATUS_URL, limited=False).json()
[docs] def telemetry(self, url): """Download the telemetry data. Description: Calls here do not apply to the rate limit. :param str url: the telemetry data URL :return: the JSON response for the telemetry URL """ return self._get(url, limited=False).json()
[docs] def tournament(self, tournament_id): """Get information about a tournament. Description: :param str tournament_id: the tournament ID on which to retrieve data :return: the JSON response for the tournament id """ return self._get(TOURNAMENTS_URL + "/" + tournament_id).json()
[docs] def tournaments(self): """Get a list of tournaments. Description: :return: the JSON response for the tournaments endpoint """ return self._get(TOURNAMENTS_URL).json()