Source code for chicken_dinner.visual.playback

"""Function for generating playback animations."""
import logging
import os
import random

import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patheffects
from matplotlib import rc
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation

from chicken_dinner.constants import COLORS
from chicken_dinner.constants import map_dimensions

rc("animation", embed_limit=100)

MAP_ASSET_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))), "assets", "maps")

[docs]def create_playback_animation( telemetry, filename="playback.html", labels=True, disable_labels_after=None, label_players=None, dead_player_labels=False, zoom=False, zoom_edge_buffer=0.5, use_hi_res=False, use_no_text=False, color_teams=True, highlight_teams=None, highlight_players=None, highlight_color="#FFFF00", highlight_winner=False, label_highlights=True, care_packages=True, damage=True, end_frames=20, size=5, dpi=100, interpolate=True, interval=1, fps=30, ): """Create a playback animation from telemetry data. Using matplotlib's animation library, create an HTML5 animation saved to disk relying on external ``ffmpeg`` library to create the video. To view the animation, open the resulting file in your browser. :param telemetry: an Telemetry instance :param filename: a file to generate for the animation (default "playback.html") :param bool labels: whether to label players by name :param int disable_labels_after: if passed, turns off player labels after number of seconds elapsed in game :param list label_players: a list of strings of player names that should be labeled :param bool dead_players: whether to mark dead players :param list dead_player_labels: a list of strings of players that should be labeled when dead :param bool zoom: whether to zoom with the circles through the playback :param float zoom_edge_buffer: how much to buffer the blue circle edge when zooming :param bool use_hi_res: whether to use the hi-res image, best to be set to True when using zoom :param bool use_no_text: whether to use the image with no text for town/location names :param bool color_teams: whether to color code different teams :param list highlight_teams: a list of strings of player names whose teams should be highlighted :param list highlight_players: a list of strings of player names who should be highlighted :param str highlight_color: a color to use for highlights :param bool highlight_winner: whether to highlight the winner(s) :param bool label_highlights: whether to label the highlights :param bool care_packages: whether to show care packages :param bool damage: whether to show PvP damage :param int end_frames: the number of extra end frames after game has been completed :param int size: the size of the resulting animation frame :param int dpi: the dpi to use when processing the animation :param bool interpolate: use linear interpolation to get frames with second-interval granularity :param int interval: interval between gameplay frames in seconds :param int fps: the frames per second for the animation """ # Extract data positions = telemetry.player_positions() circles = telemetry.circle_positions() rankings = telemetry.rankings() winner = telemetry.winner() killed = telemetry.killed() rosters = telemetry.rosters() damages = telemetry.player_damages() package_spawns = telemetry.care_package_positions(land=False) package_lands = telemetry.care_package_positions(land=True) map_id = telemetry.map_id() mapx, mapy = map_dimensions[map_id] all_times = [] for player, pos in positions.items(): for p in pos: all_times.append(int(p[0])) all_times = sorted(list(set(all_times))) if label_players is None: label_players = [] if highlight_players is None: highlight_players = [] if highlight_winner: for player in winner: highlight_players.append(player) highlight_players = list(set(highlight_players)) if highlight_teams is not None: for team_player in highlight_teams: for team_id, roster in rosters.items(): if team_player in roster: for player in roster: highlight_players.append(player) break highlight_players = list(set(highlight_players)) if label_highlights: for player in highlight_players: label_players.append(player) label_players = list(set(label_players)) team_colors = None if color_teams: # Randomly select colors from the pre-defined palette colors = COLORS idx = list(range(len(colors))) random.shuffle(idx) team_colors = {} count = 0 for team_id, roster in rosters.items(): for player in roster: team_colors[player] = colors[idx[count]] count += 1 # Get the max "frame number" maxlength = 0 for player, pos in positions.items(): try: if pos[-1][0] > maxlength: maxlength = pos[-1][0] except IndexError: continue if interpolate: maxlength = max(all_times) else: maxlength = max([maxlength, len(circles)]) # Initialize the plot and artist objects fig = plt.figure(frameon=False, dpi=dpi) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) ax.axis("off") if use_no_text: no_text = "_No_Text" else: no_text = "" if use_hi_res: map_image = map_id + no_text + "_High_Res.png" else: map_image = map_id + no_text + "_Low_Res.png" img_path = os.path.join(MAP_ASSET_PATH, map_image) try: img = mpimg.imread(img_path) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError( "High resolution images not included in package.\n" "Download images from\n" "and place in folder: " + MAP_ASSET_PATH ) ax.imshow(img, extent=[0, mapx, 0, mapy]) players = ax.scatter(-10000, -10000, marker="o", c="w", edgecolor="k", s=60, linewidths=1, zorder=20) deaths = ax.scatter(-10000, -10000, marker="X", c="r", edgecolor="k", s=60, linewidths=1, alpha=0.5, zorder=10) highlights = ax.scatter( -10000, -10000, marker="*", c=highlight_color, edgecolor="k", s=180, linewidths=1, zorder=25 ) highlights_deaths = ax.scatter( -10000, -10000, marker="X", c=highlight_color, edgecolor="k", s=60, linewidths=1, zorder=15 ) if labels: if label_players is not None: name_labels = { player_name: ax.text(0, 0, player_name, size=8, zorder=19) for player_name in positions if player_name in label_players } else: name_labels = {player_name: ax.text(0, 0, player_name, size=8, zorder=19) for player_name in positions} for label in name_labels.values(): label.set_path_effects([patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=2, foreground="w")]) blue_circle = plt.Circle((0, 0), 0, edgecolor="b", linewidth=2, fill=False, zorder=5) white_circle = plt.Circle((0, 0), 0, edgecolor="w", linewidth=2, fill=False, zorder=6) red_circle = plt.Circle((0, 0), 0, color="r", edgecolor=None, lw=0, fill=True, alpha=0.3, zorder=7) care_package_spawns, = ax.plot( -10000, -10000, marker="s", c="w", markerfacecoloralt="w", fillstyle="bottom", mec="k", markeredgewidth=0.5, markersize=10, lw=0, zorder=8, ) care_package_lands, = ax.plot( -10000, -10000, marker="s", c="r", markerfacecoloralt="b", fillstyle="bottom", mec="k", markeredgewidth=0.5, markersize=10, lw=0, zorder=9, ) damage_slots = 50 damage_lines = [] for k in range(damage_slots): dline, = ax.plot( -10000, -10000, marker="x", c="r", mec="r", markeredgewidth=5, markevery=-1, markersize=10, lw=2, alpha=0.5, zorder=50, ) damage_lines.append(dline) ax.add_patch(blue_circle) ax.add_patch(white_circle) ax.add_patch(red_circle) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1) fig.set_size_inches((size, size)) ax.set_xlim([0, mapx]) ax.set_ylim([0, mapy]) # Frame init function def init(): if labels: if highlight_players or highlight_teams: updates = ( players, deaths, highlights, highlights_deaths, blue_circle, red_circle, white_circle, *tuple(name_labels.values()), ) else: updates = players, deaths, blue_circle, red_circle, white_circle, *tuple(name_labels.values()) else: if highlight_players or highlight_teams: updates = players, deaths, highlights, highlights_deaths, blue_circle, red_circle, white_circle else: updates = players, deaths, blue_circle, red_circle, white_circle if care_packages: updates = *updates, care_package_lands, care_package_spawns if damage: updates = *updates, *damage_lines return updates def interpolate_coords(t, coords, tidx, vidx, step=False): inter = False for idx, coord in enumerate(coords): if coord[tidx] > t: inter = True break if not inter: return coords[-1][vidx] if idx == 0: return coords[0][vidx] else: v0 = coords[idx - 1][vidx] t0 = coords[idx - 1][tidx] v1 = coords[idx][vidx] t1 = coords[idx][tidx] if step: return v1 else: return v0 + (t - t0) * (v1 - v0) / (t1 - t0) # Frame update function def update(frame):"Processing frame {frame}".format(frame=frame)) try: if interpolate: = ( interpolate_coords(frame, circles["blue"], 0, 1), mapy - interpolate_coords(frame, circles["blue"], 0, 2), ) = ( interpolate_coords(frame, circles["red"], 0, 1, True), mapy - interpolate_coords(frame, circles["red"], 0, 2, True), ) = ( interpolate_coords(frame, circles["white"], 0, 1, True), mapy - interpolate_coords(frame, circles["white"], 0, 2, True), ) blue_circle.set_radius(interpolate_coords(frame, circles["blue"], 0, 4)) red_circle.set_radius(interpolate_coords(frame, circles["red"], 0, 4, True)) white_circle.set_radius(interpolate_coords(frame, circles["white"], 0, 4, True)) else: = circles["blue"][frame][1], mapy - circles["blue"][frame][2] = circles["red"][frame][1], mapy - circles["red"][frame][2] = circles["white"][frame][1], mapy - circles["white"][frame][2] blue_circle.set_radius(circles["blue"][frame][4]) red_circle.set_radius(circles["red"][frame][4]) white_circle.set_radius(circles["white"][frame][4]) except IndexError: pass xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() xwidth = xlim[1] - xlim[0] ywidth = ylim[1] - ylim[0] if zoom: try: if interpolate: margin_offset = (1 + zoom_edge_buffer) * interpolate_coords(frame, circles["blue"], 0, 4) xmin = max([0, interpolate_coords(frame, circles["blue"], 0, 1) - margin_offset]) xmax = min([mapx, interpolate_coords(frame, circles["blue"], 0, 1) + margin_offset]) ymin = max([0, mapy - interpolate_coords(frame, circles["blue"], 0, 2) - margin_offset]) ymax = min([mapy, mapy - interpolate_coords(frame, circles["blue"], 0, 2) + margin_offset]) else: margin_offset = (1 + zoom_edge_buffer) * circles["blue"][frame][4] xmin = max([0, circles["blue"][frame][1] - margin_offset]) xmax = min([mapx, circles["blue"][frame][1] + margin_offset]) ymin = max([0, mapy - circles["blue"][frame][2] - margin_offset]) ymax = min([mapy, mapy - circles["blue"][frame][2] + margin_offset]) # ensure full space taken by map if xmax - xmin >= ymax - ymin: if ymin == 0: ymax = ymin + (xmax - xmin) elif ymax == mapy: ymin = ymax - (xmax - xmin) else: if xmin == 0: xmax = xmin + (ymax - ymin) elif xmax == mapx: xmin = xmax - (ymax - ymin) ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) ax.set_ylim([ymin, ymax]) xwidth = xmax - xmin ywidth = ymax - ymin except IndexError: pass positions_x = [] positions_y = [] highlights_x = [] highlights_y = [] deaths_x = [] deaths_y = [] highlights_deaths_x = [] highlights_deaths_y = [] care_package_lands_x = [] care_package_lands_y = [] care_package_spawns_x = [] care_package_spawns_y = [] if color_teams: marker_colors = [] death_marker_colors = [] else: marker_colors = "w" death_marker_colors = "r" t = 0 damage_count = 0 for player, pos in positions.items(): try: player_max = pos[-1][0] # This ensures the alive winner(s) stay on the map at the end. if frame >= player_max and player not in winner: raise IndexError elif frame >= player_max and player not in killed: fidx = frame if interpolate else -1 else: fidx = frame if interpolate: t = max([t, fidx]) else: t = max([t, pos[fidx][0]]) for package in package_spawns: if package[0] < t and package[0] > t - 60: care_package_spawns_x.append(package[1]) care_package_spawns_y.append(mapy - package[2]) for package in package_lands: if package[0] < t: care_package_lands_x.append(package[1]) care_package_lands_y.append(mapy - package[2]) # Update player positions if interpolate: if fidx >= pos[-1][0] and player in killed: raise IndexError x = interpolate_coords(fidx, pos, 0, 1) y = mapy - interpolate_coords(fidx, pos, 0, 2) else: x = pos[fidx][1] y = mapy - pos[fidx][2] # Update player highlights if player in highlight_players: highlights_x.append(x) highlights_y.append(y) else: positions_x.append(x) positions_y.append(y) # Set colors if color_teams: marker_colors.append(team_colors[player]) # Update labels if labels and player in label_players: if disable_labels_after is not None and frame >= disable_labels_after: name_labels[player].set_position((-100000, -100000)) else: name_labels[player].set_position((x + 10000 * xwidth / mapx, y - 10000 * ywidth / mapy)) # Update player damages if damage: try: for attack in damages[player]: damage_frame = int(attack[0]) if damage_frame >= fidx + interval: break elif damage_frame >= fidx and damage_frame < fidx + interval: damage_line_x = [attack[1], attack[4]] damage_line_y = [mapy - attack[2], mapy - attack[5]] damage_lines[damage_count].set_data(damage_line_x, damage_line_y) damage_count += 1 except KeyError: pass except IndexError as exc: # Sometimes players have no positions if len(pos) == 0: pos = [(1, -10000, -10000, -10000)] # Set death markers if player in highlight_players: highlights_deaths_x.append(pos[-1][1]) highlights_deaths_y.append(mapy - pos[-1][2]) else: deaths_x.append(pos[-1][1]) deaths_y.append(mapy - pos[-1][2]) # Set death marker colors if color_teams: death_marker_colors.append(team_colors[player]) # Draw dead players names if labels and dead_player_labels and player in label_players: name_labels[player].set_position( (pos[-1][1] + 10000 * xwidth / mapx, mapy - pos[-1][2] - 10000 * ywidth / mapy) ) name_labels[player].set_path_effects([patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=1, foreground="gray")]) # Offscreen if labels are off elif labels and player in label_players: name_labels[player].set_position((-100000, -100000)) player_offsets = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(positions_x, positions_y)] if len(player_offsets) > 0: players.set_offsets(player_offsets) else: players.set_offsets([(-100000, -100000)]) if color_teams: players.set_facecolors(marker_colors) death_offsets = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(deaths_x, deaths_y)] if len(death_offsets) > 0: deaths.set_offsets(death_offsets) if color_teams: deaths.set_facecolors(death_marker_colors) if highlight_players is not None: highlight_offsets = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(highlights_x, highlights_y)] if len(highlight_offsets) > 0: highlights.set_offsets(highlight_offsets) else: highlights.set_offsets([(-100000, -100000)]) highlight_death_offsets = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(highlights_deaths_x, highlights_deaths_y)] if len(highlight_death_offsets) > 0: highlights_deaths.set_offsets(highlight_death_offsets) if len(care_package_lands_x) > 0: care_package_lands.set_data(care_package_lands_x, care_package_lands_y) if len(care_package_spawns_x) > 0: care_package_spawns.set_data(care_package_spawns_x, care_package_spawns_y) # Remove the remaining slots for k in range(damage_count, damage_slots): damage_lines[k].set_data([], []) if labels: if highlight_players or highlight_teams: updates = ( players, deaths, highlights, highlights_deaths, blue_circle, red_circle, white_circle, *tuple(name_labels.values()), ) else: updates = players, deaths, blue_circle, red_circle, white_circle, *tuple(name_labels.values()) else: if highlight_players or highlight_teams: updates = players, deaths, highlights, highlights_deaths, blue_circle, red_circle, white_circle else: updates = players, deaths, blue_circle, red_circle, white_circle if care_packages: updates = *updates, care_package_lands, care_package_spawns if damage: updates = *updates, *damage_lines return updates # Create the animation animation = FuncAnimation( fig, update, frames=range(0, maxlength + end_frames, interval), interval=int(1000 / fps), init_func=init, blit=True, ) # Write the html5 to buffer h5 = animation.to_html5_video() # Save to disk"Saving file: {file}".format(file=filename)) with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(h5)"Saved file.") return True