
Map Images

Map images are sourced from an official PUBG repository on github, here.

High resolution maps are not included in this package due to packaging size limits on PyPI. You may download them manually and place them in the package’s folder: chicken_dinner/assets/maps in order to use them.

Alternatively you can download them using a function provided by the assets module. To download updated (and hi-res) maps directly from the official PUBG assets GitHub project, run the following command from within your project directory:

python -m chicken_dinner.assets.maps

Asset Dictionary

There is an asset naming dictionary.json provided in the assets module that is sourced from the official PUBG repository on github, here.

You can download an up-to-date version of the asset dictionary directly from the GitHub source by running the following command from within your project directory:

python -m chicken_dinner.assets.dictionary

This mapping can be imported manually from the constants module using

from chicken_dinner.constants import asset_map

This asset dictionary can be used to map item/weapon/vehicle identifiers in telemetry objects to their actual names. To do so automatically, pass the map_assets=True argument when creating a Telemetry instance.