Playback VisualizationsΒΆ

The chicken_dinner package provides (for now) one configurable playback animation via the create_playback_animation function or by calling directly the playback_animation method from a Telemetry instance.

The playback animation function depends on external python packages matplotlib and pillow. To install chicken_dinner with these extra dependencies, use

pip install chicken-dinner[visual]

In order to use the playback animation you will need to install an additional piece of software called ffmepg. To install ffmpeg on Mac, use brew:

brew install ffmpeg

For other platforms, see here

Here is some example code for creating a playback animation:

from chicken_dinner.pubgapi import PUBG

api_key = "MY_API_KEY"
pubg = PUBG(api_key, "pc-na")

me = pubg.players_from_names("my_username")[0]
last_match_id = me.match_ids[0]

last_match = pubg.match(last_match_id)
last_match_telemetry = last_match.get_telemetry()


Alternately you can use the create_playback_animation() function.

from chicken_dinner.pubgapi import PUBG
from chicken_dinner.visual.playback import create_playback_animation

api_key = "MY_API_KEY"
pubg = PUBG(api_key, "pc-na")

me = pubg.players_from_names("my_username")[0]
last_match_id = me.match_ids[0]

last_match = pubg.match(last_match_id)
last_match_telemetry = last_match.get_telemetry()

create_playback_animation(last_match_telemetry, "last_match.html")